Fear NOT!


I never dreamed that the phrases Follow Me and Fear Not would be what I gleaned from reading the Gospels for #Lentchallenge. In the book of Luke we see Jesus asking fishermen to do what fishermen never do, fish in the day. Fishing happens when it is dark and the fish are at the surface of the water. The fishermen did what he asked them to do, and they caught a lot of fish, in fact two boats full.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke 5:10b

So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. Luke 5:11

I was going to a Bible study by Andy Stanley called Follow as I was reading through the Gospels. On week 3 he told us that not being afraid when bad things happen is one of the best benefits of following Jesus. Fear NOT! These are strong words, but so needed in my heart.

When I was finishing the Book of John I noticed that when Jesus returned from the dead he also sent his disciples out to fish in daylight once again. He started his ministry with them having to trust Him and before He was resurrected, He asked them to trust Him once more.

 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. John 21:6 NIV

One of the first passages of Scripture I learned was John 16:33.NIV

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

By following Jesus he assures us we are going to be okay, no matter what this world throws in our path. Two phrases have transformed my heart!  Two phrases I will never forget:

Fear NOT!

Come follow me!




Fear NOT!


I never dreamed that the phrases Follow Me and Fear Not would be what I gleaned from reading the Gospels for #Lentchallenge. In the book of Luke we see Jesus asking fishermen to do what fishermen never do, fish in the day. Fishing happens when it is dark and the fish are at the surface of the water. The fishermen did what he asked them to do, and they caught a lot of fish, in fact two boats full.

Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” Luke 5:10b

So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and followed him. Luke 5:11

I was going to a Bible study by Andy Stanley called Follow as I was reading through the Gospels. On week 3 he told us that not being afraid when bad things happen is one of the best benefits of following Jesus. Fear NOT! These are strong words, but so needed in my heart.

When I was finishing the Book of John I noticed that when Jesus returned from the dead he also sent his disciples out to fish in daylight once again. He started his ministry with them having to trust Him and before He was resurrected, He asked them to trust Him once more.

 He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. John 21:6 NIV

One of the first passages of Scripture I learned was John 16:33.NIV

 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 NIV

By following Jesus he assures us we are going to be okay, no matter what this world throws in our path. Two phrases have transformed my heart!  Two phrases I will never forget:

Fear NOT!

Come follow me!

My Joy


Wall of rock

Succulents tucked between stones

Spilling over

Growing joyfully.

He said He wanted

To leave me His JOY!

He tucked it in

The crevices of my heart

Deep so it wouldn’t wilt.

Planted with love and care

It grows and blossoms

Even in the dry times,

Even in the stormy times.

He promised

His JOY.

It always

Brings beauty to the

Broken places.

And I am complete

In His JOY!



John 15:11 (NIV)

 I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.

Under the fig tree

fig tree

I thought I was hidden

Under the fig tree.


By branches,

But not hidden from

Your Eyes.

You saw me there,

And You called me

To “follow”.

When my friend

Came and told me,

You were

The One,

The One who knew me,

Even before I saw You,

Heard Your Voice,

Felt Your Peace,

I ran to You

So fast,

I left my shoes,

Under the fig tree.


Based on John 1:48

For Jim

Jim at the pond


He has taught me many things

This man who’s heart I love.

To capture and release all the

Bugs that try to invade our home.

To stop and rub a dog’s head

Every chance you get.

To look for beauty even in

The most barren seasons,

And when found to stop,

And take note.

To share positive thoughts

In a negative world,

With words that change my attitude

In the blink of an eye.

Today is your birthday,

Today I write for you.

Thank you for being a patient teacher

Of a slow learner!

Happy birthday my love!

Happy birthday Jim!





I have a special friend who made a statement that challenged me.  She said this year instead of taking something away for Lent, she was going to add something.  She planned to read through the Gospels in 40 days.  This sounded like a great plan to me. She recommended using Margaret Feinberg’s plan.  The site is below:

Join 50,000 People Reading Through the Gospels for Lent Beginning February 18

This plan has you read through the Gospels marking verbs in red, people in green, numbers in orange, and the Holy Spirit, angels and the prophetic are in blue.  Slowing down enough to mark the verses really made me think about what I read.  But the verbs, the verbs had a huge impact on me.  I just finished Mark with tears in my eyes.  It has truly “added” to my life this Lent!  Here are just a few of these special verbs:

written, appeared, repentance, confessed, follow, cast, called, obey, spread, prayed, commanded, forgives, praised, knew, tell, pours, sown, hear, accept, receive with joy, consider, calms, ran, gathered, suffered, healed, arrested, rest, listen, understand, give thanks, transfigured, cursed, questioned, betrayed, crucified, was torn, has risen, forgiven, BELIEVE!

I am so thankful for Lent that leads to Jesus and His resurrection.  I hope you find ways to remember Him as you prepare for Easter.  Be amazed at HIS WORD and those beautiful verbs.


Winter waves

 cold bird


Blue Norther,

Winters last gasp.

Waves of roaring wind,

Ocean sounds,

Never liked the sound of waves

Always drained me.

Makes me shiver,

Pull the covers closer.

Snuggle with my

Living hot water bottle.

Dog pressed into

My belly tight.

Morning brings

Clockwise circle of birds.

Taking turns on the feeder,

Eating through the cold,

Chirping despite the gusts.

Makes me pursue,

Push toward,

Chase after,



On this March morning.



Killing the blues




Sipping my tea,

Joni Mitchell overload.

Paint brush,

Paper patterned bright,

I always love paper.

All an effort to kill

All in an effort to kill

The blues.

Death certificate came


And nothing seems to

Dull the sad.

The tears my eyes

Hold tight.

Trying to

Kill the blues.

This paper I do not love.

This paper I can’t turn into

Something pretty

Or beautiful.

RIP Little Girl.